Military Family Resources
Assistance is available 24 hours a day, and our goal is to provide comprehensive support for military-connected students and their families. As a school district, we understand the social-emotional learning (SEL) is crucial for maximizing student success and engagement. To achieve this, we offer a range of resources across our schools to meet the diverse needs of all students, particularly those in military families.
If students are in crisis, experiencing difficulties, or having suicidal thoughts, they can take the following steps for support:
Talk to a family member.
Reach out to a school guidance counselor or school administrator.
Dial 2-1-1- or (850)617-6333 (Big Bend Directory)
Call the National Suicide Hotline at 9-8-8
Military Resources:
KidsPeace (KidsPeace - Making a Difference)
Operation Military Kid (OperationMilitaryKids.org - Operation Military Kids)
Military Tutor (Military Families Eligible for DoD Tutoring Program)
Military OneSource (Support for Military Personnel & Families | Military OneSource)